Dear Friends & Supporters, The Jeanette Shell Book Scholarship Fund, Inc. (JSBSF) is a certified, registered and tax exempt 501(c)3, non-profit New Jersey Corporation established in 1998 by dedicated and…
2015 Scholarship Recipients
Recipients of the 2015 Jeanette Shell and the Murphy-Sloan Scholarships pose with Mrs. Shell.
Past Scholarship Recipients
Past recipients of the Jeanette Shell and the Murphy-Sloan Scholarships pose with Mrs. Shell. This year, it could be YOU!
Interview with Mrs. Shell
A brief video clip of an interview with Mrs. Shell.
Ex-librarian sees others fostering learning in her name
Sunday, April 06, 2008 BY JASON JETT Star-Ledger Staff Read original article online Jeanette Shell still is inspiring young people to learn and dare to pursue their dreams, 15 years…